Friday, February 13, 2009

Foster Dogs and Court Dates

Well we got a new foster puppy today. She will be staying with us until the shelter finds he a permenant home. She is so sweet. All kind of mutt but she looks like she definately has Min Pin and Black Lab in her.
The dogs are finally starting to get used to having Sadie (the new puppy) around. Which is nice. At first they all went crazy. It was nuts in our house. Austin was knocked down in the base of the chair where he sustained a bruise and scratch on the side of his cheek. Poor little guy!
So Mike goes to Ann Arbor for sentencing next week and then the next day he will go to Cleveland for the punishment hearing this from the coast guard. So we will soon have this whole stupid odeal over and done with. We already know that he is not being recomended for probation. So it is just going to be fines most likely for the civil part of it. As far as the coast guard goes... WHO KNOWS! Such a pain in the butt.
Well if anyone wants to see Sadie the website is
And if anyone would like to adopt her well just let me know!

Sunday, February 8, 2009

The ending to a perfect vacation

Well we are home from Florida now. Wow! It was an awesome trip. We started out going to TN and visiting Mike's parents, and then after a few days there we headed to Orlando. We spent 6 days in Florida. Five of this days were spent at Disney World. We had an absolute blast. Austin love meeting all the different characters. Every morning when he would wake up he would start yelling Disney World and Mickey Mouse. My favorite show at Disney was the Lion King. It was amazing. In fact the whole place was amazing. I cant believe that a place this fantastic actually exists. How can people come up with this much awesome stuff?
The first weekend, Andrea came up to see us. Her and her friend Cinda spent the night and we went to get some Chicago style pizza (to heavy of a pizza for me) and then the next day we went and spent a couple hours in downtown Disney. While there we went to the Rain forest Cafe. Austin was terrified at first of the storms and the monkeys yelling.
The last night we were there we went to a dinner show called Arabian Nights. It was absolutely amazing. The things that people can do on horses is just astonishing. What a wonderful job to have. They just train and ride horses and entertain. I wish I could find me something like that. LOL.
I had an absolute wonderful vacation. I enjoyed every moment spent with Austin and Mike. I cant wait till our next adventure.